What's on the Radar

So, there’s some exciting stuff coming up in the world of memory sports! The first event on the docket is the always-interesting USA Memory Championship (USAMC), to be held in NYC on March 29 (a Sunday, weirdly). If you live in the area, come on down! It’s a lot of fun even if you don’t compete, and those last few rounds tend to be nail-biting. Nelson Dellis, the reigning 3-time champ, mentioned in his blog that he had hung up his earmuffs regarding the USAMC (at least in its current format). In other words, the field’s wide open! But more on that later. In the meantime, here are some videos of last year’s final rounds (courtesy of finalist Brad Zupp and whoever Chiron750 is… oh, hey Leland!):

Also coming up: the 2nd annual Extreme Memory Tournament (May 2-3; organized by Nelson; I’ll post about the online qualification process soon), and the first official championship in the US, the MAA US Memory Open (May 9-10)!